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Welcome to my New Site, Blog and Store!

As many of you know, I've been an Intuitive, empath tarot reader and spiritual advisory for a very long time. I started my original online store on Etsy, but have moved to this site in order to keep my costs affordable. Etsy has continued since 2019 to raise the cost of doing business to the point where I could no longer afford to give affordable prices on their site. (They were taking all my money!) I still need to buy groceries and necessities the same as everyone.

I will be gradually over 2022 moving all my offerings to this site and eventually completely close my Etsy shop.

Please bookmark my shop so it is easy to find when you need me. It's also fairly easy to remember if you know my shop name - as my site is now simply:

I've already lowered my price on my basic readings here to offer you the same discount as I am able to include by not selling via Etsy. (BONUS!)

And I've been asked this for years, but am finally offering online booking for live video sessions. These are more expensive because I have to book time to set up the technology and ensure that there will be no interuptions. I hope those of you that have requested this service will find it helpful to you.

I look forward to being the journey here on my new site and hope that you will enjoy my offerings and my new offerings as I add them over the coming months.

Brightest blessings, light and love to you all!



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